Memphis, Tennessee,– A small grassroots organization known only by a few as may bethe key that is needed to help President Obama in winning the upcoming 2012Presidential Election. The President ofthe organization James Rivers is asking people from all over the United Statesto join one of many I Am America.. Not 47 Percent Rallies, that are being heldin different cities and towns across the country on Sunday November 4,2012. The organization has a link onit's website whereyou can join or become a rally organizer. You can also order rally t-shirts and supplies.
“We need a President who has shown that he cares about allthe people of America, and that does not divide America into a top-half and abottom-half or a bottom 47 percent,” says James Rivers President
The organization's headquarters and focal point of launchingits I Am America.. Not 47 Percent grassroots movement is Downtown MemphisTennessee, where one of many nationwide rallies will be held. What is interesting about the centrallocation of Memphis, is that it is the birth place of the “I AM A Man” movementof the nineteen sixties that changed this nation.
The I Am A Man movement during the sixties focused onMemphis sanitation workers who marched with their heads held up high and saidto America, “Simply because I pick up your garbage, I should not be viewed as ano-body or a lower-class citizen.. I am still a man.. I am somebody.”
Mitt Romney's caviler 47 percent statements, which were madebehind closed doors, divided American into two separate and distinct classes ofcitizens, lower-class and upper-class citizens. Those statements may indeed be what cost Mitt Romney to lose the 2012Presidential Election. “People need tothink before they cast their vote on November 6th and ask themselves if they really want aPresident who views almost half of America, which, by the way, includesDemocratic, Republicans, Independents and undecided voters, as the bottom-halfof America,” says James Rivers.
The organization recently tweeted on its Twitter page@IAm_America_ “If you really want to know how a man honestly feels, the trueman, the inner man, simply listen to what he says when he is in his innercircle.”
Article written by a staff writer and volunteer for theElect President Obama 2012 Campaign. Formore information visit the organization's website at
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